Featuring the latest and most comprehensive collection of news curated from social media and elsewhere. Plus upcoming events, travel, planning, photos and more to come. Not forgetting links to discover more about Forest Hill and the community.

You can help by letting other people know about the website. If you have a blog please add a link. Or post on one of the local forums (SE23.COM or STF). We are also behind the local Mastodon accounts: https://social.brainsys.com/@se23 & https://social.brainsys.com/@se26 plus ‘Hot Bot’ & ‘Planning Bot’ which feature here.

This website is a resurrection of a site created more than a twenty years ago but now featuring streaming feeds from across the internet to ensure we have the latest breaking news and travel information. A local site locally run from Sydenham. However, if you want a more authentic SE23 experience it would be great to include you as a volunteer. You can find a contact page here.

Three generations: founded as the Rotary Club of Forest Hill & Sydenham website it became a community site during the noughties continuing into the 2010s.

Welcome to the new Forest Hill Website